The course is designed for first-year Master’s students (second semester) of the Faculty of Biology. Authentic materials introduce students to samples of research article abstracts and introductions from high impact journals in the field. Students learn to write conference proposals on the topic of their own research, give conference presentations and respond to questions during Q&A sessions in a simulated conference environment. Exercises train students in the correct use of linguistic forms characteristic of scientific discourse. Upon completion of the course students will be equipped with skills enabling them to effectively communicate orally and in writing at conferences for novice researchers.
- Преподаватель: Olga Fleonova
- Преподаватель: Лилия Николаевна Шевырдяева
The course is designed for first-year Master’s students of the Faculty of Biology. It aims at developing language skills necessary for functioning in the academic environment and professional settings. Authentic materials introduce students to the writing samples from leading publications in the field. Exercises train students in the correct use of linguistic forms characteristic of scientific discourse. Upon completion of the course students will be equipped with skills enabling them to effectively communicate orally and in writing on discipline-specific topics. All the materials needed for the sessions are posted on the Moodle platform.
- Преподаватель: Olga Fleonova
- Преподаватель: Ирина Ашмарина
- Преподаватель: Лилия Николаевна Шевырдяева