The course “Russia and China: Intercultural Dialogue in Education” is intended for the second year master students of Philological Faculty completing the major “Russian language and culture in the modern world” and is studied in the 3rd semester.  Aims for mastering the discipline:

-        To introduce students to the conceptual apparatus of intercultural communication;

-        to characterise the peculiarities of the Russian and Chinese mentalities, which will help to create tolerance and successful cooperation in the educational sphere;

-        to lay the foundations of communicative competence for future specialists in the sphere of Russian-Chinese educational relations);

-        to provide students with the skills necessary for professional activities (research, management, organisation, and production) in intercultural integration circumstances.

Objectives of mastering the discipline:

-        to analyse the peculiarities of intercultural communication in the context of contemporary globalisation;

-        to familiarise students with strategies for mitigating communicative errors in intercultural communication;

-        to instruct students on how to apply their acquired linguocultural knowledge in particular intercultural communication scenarios in the field of education;

-        to research current data regarding international collaboration between Russia and China in the field of education;

-        to examine the connection between intercultural dialogue and the teaching of Russian and Chinese.

As a result of mastering the subject, students should know the peculiarities of intercultural communication in the conditions of modern globalisation. They should have up-to-date information about the international cooperation between Russia and China in the field of education. They should be able to apply the acquired linguocultural knowledge in specific situations of intercultural communication in the sphere of education. They should have the basics of communicative competence in the sphere of Russian-Chinese educational relations. Students should know the norms, rules, and styles of intercultural communication, mental peculiarities, and national customs of Russia and China, be able to use this knowledge in the practice of communication, show racial, national, ethnic, and religious tolerance, and respect the historical and cultural heritage of another ethnic group. They should be able to use modern communicative technologies, including in foreign languages, for academic and professional interaction.

The knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during the study of the discipline “Russia and China: Intercultural Dialogue in Education” will be useful for graduates preparing to work in the field of international cooperation and business communication, as well as in the system of science and education of Russia and China (universities, colleges, schools, scientific institutes), in the press (editorial offices of newspapers and magazines, publishing houses, radio and television), in the public service (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, libraries, museums).

Курс на

Дисциплина «Русский язык как иностранный» в рамках магистерской программы 2 года обучения относится к числу дисциплин базовой части образовательной программы; освоение дисциплины является обязательным и опирается на знания, умения, навыки и компетенции, сформированные на предшествующем уровне образования. Целью дисциплины является совершенствование навыков и умений практического использования русского языка в различных ситуациях устного и письменного общения, выработка компетенций (общей, лингвистической, прагматической), необходимых для повышения уровня учебной автономии и способности студента к самообразованию.